Nobody ever used it since dawn of civilization creating laws regulating conversations cradle to grave. Reasonable doubt protects those living a self deception cradle to grave, not inception to extinction of their own ancestral lineage of current 6 generation gaps living each rotation here now.
Instinctive honesty is required sacrifice to mind social consensus until extinction happens from a species destroying itself inside out thinking outside self contained to one's own time adapting in plain sight today.
I will match my unique chromosomes to any alphabet reality to how and why each ancestors is alive this rotation with my algorithm. I can account for each ancestor regardless species with this algorithm with using simple 26 letters and 10 integers 0-9 with a map of event horizons separating each lifetime here now regardless day of the week, generation gap, ancestral lineage, plant, animal, predatory, prey nature, clock, calendar, history recording how people performed cradle tog rave regardless race, creed, color, national origin, gender, etc.
See this figure measures event horizons to gaseous, liquid, mineral molecular content with 119 identifies characteristics structuring this universal position.
7 degrees of isolating each specific molecular characteristics involved 7 days a week thermodynamics leaves nothing of everything something unique anytime occupying space now inorganically or ancestrally part of the universe here, now.
this one maps out 5 specific ancestral lineages by the numbers of ancestors involved adding a next generation arriving at the core of existing in plain sight now. the 4 parallel to center vertical axis was sustained by 16 great great grandparents to the 8 corners of great grandparents delivering the horizontal plan of 4 grandparents adding the two polarities of mom and dad to each great great grandchild's unique chromosomes in streaming DNA today.
I changed my mind back to navigating space in 1982. I stayed out of sight and minds all around me until 2006 when humanity decided one of my siblings needed a lesson on never standing against the people in charge of tomorrow daily here. National media got involved.
Same methods used against Trump since 2016.